8 years, 3 months ago.

pinmap mis-match in HelloESP8266Interface example on Nucleo F401re

Hello guys,

I`m trying to test the WiFi module ESP8266 on my Nucleo F401re board using mbed OS.05 I imported this code https://developer.mbed.org/teams/components/code/HelloESP8266Interface/ after making changes on the TX, RX pins to my UART pins in my board "ESP8266Interface wifi(PB_6, PC_7);" I compiled it without any errors. using minicom as serial console I just got "pinmap mis-match" as a result! anyone has an idea why I got this?

1 Answer

8 years, 3 months ago.

Hello, The pins you selected are not connected to the same USART, so they cannot work together.
You must modify your pin assignment to use one of the 4 combinations for USART1 or one of the 4 combinations for USART6.

  • for USART6:
    TX : PC_6 or PA_11
    RX : PC_7 or PA_12
  • for USART1:
    TX: PB_6 or PA_9
    RX: PB_7 or PA_10
  • the virtual com port uses UART2 and is connected to the STLink on the nucleo board (your minicom debug console)
    TX: PA_2
    RX: PA_3

Accepted Answer

thanks you are right, I did it in that way and it worked, but I had to connect the PA_9 (UART1/Tx) to the ESP Tx and PA_10 (UART/Rx) to ESP Rx otherwise I will get "pinmap not found for peripheral" shouldn`t be the MCU UART/Tx connected to the ESP Rx ?

posted by Maria Sadek 07 Sep 2016

I don't know how the ESP8266 pins are named but you are right theoritically, Rx should be connected to Tx

posted by Maxime TEISSIER 07 Sep 2016