7 years, 11 months ago.

Can users still add/edit component pages?

Can users still add/edit component pages?

Don't seem to find an "add" or "edit" button on the new web page setup.

Send us a mail at support@mbed.org

And we can add you to a trusted contributor list :)

There you can add/edit components as usual :)


Andrea, team mbed

posted by Andrea Corrado 25 Oct 2016

1 Answer

7 years, 11 months ago.

Hi Jim,

There were some issues with spam components being added. We didn't want existing components to be vandalised so we've made it so that only partners can edit or add components. This isn't necessarily the way it will remain.

Which components would you like to edit?


Accepted Answer

Perhaps add a couple for some new chips in a few weeks, and going forward edit or update the dozen or so I created. If I can't edit them, I will probably just keep things on notebook pages. Had the same issue on updating several cookbook pages I created awhile back - but moving them over is hard since I can't just cut and paste the wiki markup source code over to a notebook page (without being in edit mode). There are probably another twenty or so new component pages that were setup by students that I assigned as class projects and was wondering if I should give up on that idea for class this term (in a couple months).

posted by jim hamblen 29 Aug 2016


I would like to add some info to our development kit: https://developer.mbed.org/components/QW-SIGFOX-Development-Kit/

Is there a way I can gain edit access again?

Kind regards.

posted by Quicksand micro-electronics 02 Sep 2016