7 years, 8 months ago.

I tried to compile code for SPI-Sd card application and the errors,can any one help me in this

Error: Member "mbed::FileBase::_name" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/SPI_SDcardextras/mbed_2241e3a39974/FileBase.h', '73'); return false;">/extras/mbed_2241e3a39974/FileBase.h:73</a>) is inaccessible in "SDFileSystem/FATFileSystem/FATFileSystem.cpp", Line: 52, Col: 69 Error: Member "mbed::FileBase::_name" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/SPI_SDcardextras/mbed_2241e3a39974/FileBase.h', '73'); return false;">/extras/mbed_2241e3a39974/FileBase.h:73</a>) is inaccessible in "SDFileSystem/FATFileSystem/FATFileSystem.cpp", Line: 70, Col: 73

1 Answer

7 years, 8 months ago.

Had the same issue. Initially I thought it was a problem in the SDFileSystem lib. Eventually for me the compiler error went away by reverting the mbed library (that I had just updated) back to an older version (25th may 2016) while still using the latest SDFileSystem lib (26th may 2016). Hope this works for you as well.

It looks like a similar issue to this:


Using older versions of mbed, mbed-rtos and EthernetInterface is a throwback, but it works for now.

posted by Kevin Braun 22 Aug 2016