8 years, 6 months ago.

Nucleo-F446RE Showing up as empty disk drive

I am having problems accessing the Nucleo filesystem on my laptop. I have had the nucleo board connected and have uploaded code to it before. I just got the Windows 10 Anniversary update and now it doesn't work (I hope this isn't the problem). I can get the update tool to recognise and update the board. It's just the os can't recognise it.

Has anyone else had this problem and if they did, have they resolved it.

/media/uploads/Flawededge/capture.png /media/uploads/Flawededge/capture2.png

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A world leader in providing the semiconductor solutions that make a positive contribution to people’s lives, both today and in the future.

The issue has been reported by others after the Win10 Anniversary update... We're investigating.

posted by Jan Jongboom 11 Aug 2016

1 Answer

8 years, 6 months ago.

I have one of my Nucleo L152RE boards working with Windows 10 Anniversary edition. The board that works has firmware version V2.J22.M5. My other boards have the newest firmware and they show up as empty drives. Is there a way to go back to V2.J22.M5 ?