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9 years, 8 months ago.
RTOS and Serial
Hello everybody First sorry for my poor English. I'm quite new to mbed and for a school project I want to use the RTOS possibility from mbed. My project is to control a robot, a modified m3pi, with a second mbed en Xbee. I managed to use picojson library to handle the communication. The next step is to use RTOS so I can control the robot and send data back to the second mbed. I wrote a simple test program to learn more about the RTOS library. My problem is reading the data. Sending works fine.
#include "mbed.h" #include "C12832.h" #include "MMA7660.h" #include "LM75B.h" //#include "mbed_rpc.h" #include "picojson.h" #include "rtos.h" Serial xbee (p9, p10); DigitalOut xbee_res (p30); C12832 lcd (p5, p7, p6, p8, p11); Serial pc (USBTX, USBRX); DigitalOut myled1(LED1); DigitalOut myled2(LED2); DigitalOut myled3(LED3); DigitalOut myled4(LED4); const int SIZE = 255; string str, rvalue, rmode, raction, svalue, smode, saction, strvalue, strmode, straction; char send[SIZE]; char data[SIZE]; char testing [SIZE +1]; char value[10],mode[10], action[10]; char test; void parse() { picojson::value ledcontrol; const char *json = data; string err = picojson::parse(ledcontrol, json, json + strlen(json)); //pc.printf("res error? %s\r\n", err.c_str()); pc.printf("LED =%s\r\n" , ledcontrol.get("LED").get<string>().c_str()); pc.printf("Mode =%s\r\n" , ledcontrol.get("Mode").get<string>().c_str()); pc.printf("Action =%s\r\n" , ledcontrol.get("Action").get<string>().c_str()); rvalue = ledcontrol.get("Led").get<string>().c_str(); rmode = ledcontrol.get("Mode").get<string>().c_str(); raction = ledcontrol.get("Action").get<string>().c_str(); pc.printf("LED: %s\r\n", rvalue); } void serialize(char *value, char *mode, char *action) { picojson::object ledcontrol; //picojson::object inner; ledcontrol["LED"] = picojson::value(svalue); ledcontrol["Mode"] = picojson::value(smode); ledcontrol["Action"] = picojson::value(saction); str = picojson::value(ledcontrol).serialize(); pc.printf("serialized content = %s\r\n" , str.c_str()); } void writeXbee_thread(void const *args) { //while(1) //{ while (xbee.writeable()) { pc.printf("%s %s %s\r\n", value, mode, action); myled4 = !myled4; pc.printf("Xbee writeable"); pc.printf(send); xbee.printf("%s\r\n",str.c_str()); pc.printf("Starting PicoJSONSample "__TIME__"\r\n"); pc.printf(">>> serializing \r\n"); serialize(value, mode, action); pc.printf("Ending PicoJSONSample " __TIME__ "\r\n"); wait_ms(200); } //else // lcd.printf("Xbee is bussy"); //} Thread::wait(500); } void readXbee_thread(void const *args) { //while(1) //{ test = xbee.getc(); pc.printf("%c\r\n",test); while(xbee.readable()) { myled1 = !myled1; int data_size = xbee.scanf("%s\r\n", data); xbee.scanf("%s", data); pc.printf("Data size = %d \r\n",data_size); pc.printf("%s\r\n",data); pc.printf(">>> parsing \r\n"); parse(); wait_ms(200); } //else // pc.printf("Xbee is bussy"); //} Thread::wait(500); } void readpc_thread(void const *args) { char *check; pc.printf("%c %i", check, sizeof(check -1)); while(sizeof(check -1) != 4) { pc.printf("Choose Led2 or Led3\r\n"); pc.printf("Led2 = led2 and Led3= led3\r\n"); pc.scanf("%4s", value); pc.printf("Choose to flash or switch it on\r\n"); pc.printf("Flash = flash or On = on\n"); pc.scanf("%4s" , mode); pc.printf("Choose to activate or stop it\r\n"); pc.printf("Stop = stop and Activate = start\r\n"); pc.scanf("%4s", action); } svalue = value; smode = mode; saction = action; Thread::wait(500); } void flashing(string rvalue) { while(rvalue == "led2") { myled2 = 1; wait_ms(200); myled2 = 0; wait_ms(200); } while(rvalue == "led3") { myled3 = 1; wait_ms(200); myled3 = 0; wait_ms(200); } } void stoping() { myled2 = 0; myled3 = 0; } int main() { xbee.baud(115200); xbee_res = 0; //Set reset pin to 0 wait_ms(1);//Wait at least one millisecond xbee_res = 1;//Set reset pin to 1 wait_ms(1);//Wait another millisecond /* pc.printf("Choose Led2 or Led3\r\n"); pc.printf("Led2 = led2 and Led3= led3\r\n"); pc.scanf("%10s", value); pc.printf("Choose to flash or switch it on\r\n"); pc.printf("Flash = flash or On = on\n"); pc.scanf("%10s" , mode); pc.printf("Choose to activate or stop it\r\n"); pc.printf("Stop = stop and Activate = start\r\n"); pc.scanf("%10s", action); svalue = value; smode = mode; saction = action; pc.printf("%s %s %s\r\n", value, mode, action); */ //Thread thread(readpc_thread); //Thread thread1(writeXbee_thread); Thread thread1(readXbee_thread); while(1) { } }
1 Answer
9 years, 8 months ago.
RawSerial xbee (p9, p10); RawSerial pc (USBTX, USBRX);
instead of Serial with RTOS
Thanks for the tip, When I use getc() I never receive the full string. I tried the following:
char te; char in[255]; myled3 = 1; te = xbee.getc(); myled2 = 1; do { int i = 0; in[i] = xbee.getc(); i++; wait_ms(10); pc.printf("%s\r\n",in); myled1 = 1; } while (te !='}');
I received the following: "Action":"start","LED"":"flash"} or {"Action":"start","LED":"fl or {"Action":"start","LED":"flash"} and so on. with scanf I received: {"Action":"start","LED":"led2","Mode":"flash"} an this is correct (picojson format) Also i noticed in the original program that the receiving mbed stays in xbee.readable(). I was thinking when all was received that readable() = 0. He never leaves the while(xbee.readabel()) loop. I tryed that without the thread. Why is that
posted by 10 Apr 2015Hello everybody. At the moment i could solve my problem with threads. I used the following code
void writeXbee_thread(void const *args) { while(1) { writeXbee(value, mode, action); Thread::wait(200); } } void writeXbee(string value, string mode, string action) { while (xbee.writeable()) { pc.printf("%s %s %s\r\n", cvalue, cmode, caction); pc.printf("Xbee writeable"); pc.printf("%s\r\n",str.c_str()); pc.printf("Starting PicoJSONSample "__TIME__"\r\n"); pc.printf(">>> serializing \r\n"); serialize(value, mode, action); xbee.printf("%s\r\n",str.c_str()); pc.printf("Ending PicoJSONSample " __TIME__ "\r\n"); wait_ms(1000); if (!down) Thread::wait(500); return; } lcd.printf("Xbee is bussy"); } void readXbee_thread(void const *args) { while(1) { readXbee(); Thread::wait(1000); } } void readXbee() { if(xbee.readable()) { myled4 = 1; int data_size = xbee.scanf("%s\r\n", data); xbee.scanf("%s", data); pc.printf("Data size = %d \r\n",data_size); pc.printf("%s\r\n",data); myled4 = 0; wait_ms(500); myled4 = 1; pc.printf(">>> parsing \r\n"); parse(); myled4 = 0; wait_ms(10); } }
int main() { pc.baud(9600); xbee.baud(115200); xbee_res = 0; //Set reset pin to 0 wait_ms(1);//Wait at least one millisecond xbee_res = 1;//Set reset pin to 1 wait_ms(1);//Wait another millisecond Thread write (writeXbee_thread); Thread read (readXbee_thread); while(1) { myled1 = 1; wait_ms(100); myled1 = 0; Thread::wait(500); } }
Forgot to mention with problem reading I meant: sometimes I don't receive anything, or only part of it or i receive one protocol but always the mbed freeze after it.This happens random
posted by Swen Pirker 09 Apr 2015