8 years, 2 months ago.

How to program K64F to enter Freeze Mode and Supervisor Mode?

I would like to configure the registers in MCG and SIM of K64F. However, to do so, it is required to enter Supervisor Mode to write the registers.

To enter Freeze mode, there are a few requirements as stated in the datasheet below. /media/uploads/Blizzardgaz/freeze_mode.jpg

To enter Supervisor mode, there are a few requirements as stated in the datasheet below. /media/uploads/Blizzardgaz/supv.jpg

This is the result I've obtained using Putty. /media/uploads/Blizzardgaz/results.jpg

As shown by the results: NOTRDY = 0 > Normal Mode, Listen-Only or Loop-Back Mode. FRZACK = 1 > FlexCAN in Freeze mode LPMACK = 1 > FlexCAN is in low-power mode.

These results are conflicting each other. As stated in the datasheet, it is not possible for FlexCAN to be in Freeze Mode when in low-power mode.

Is there any methods to enter freeze mode and supervisor mode in order to configure the K64F system register namely Multi Clock Generator (MCG) bits?

Here is the mbed code used to obtain the results above: /media/uploads/Blizzardgaz/ccode1.jpg /media/uploads/Blizzardgaz/ccode2.jpg /media/uploads/Blizzardgaz/ccode3.jpg /media/uploads/Blizzardgaz/ccode4.jpg

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The Freedom-K64F is an ultra-low-cost development platform for Kinetis K64, K63, and K24 MCUs.
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