8 years, 3 months ago.

Driving LED using PWM

How to drive Infrared and Red LEDs using PWM in FRDM-KL25Z.Please need help.....I am new to mbed

I m using H bridge as LED driving circuit...plzzz help

posted by vishwas nagekar 18 Apr 2016

More details needed.

What is the problem? The electronics, the software?

What are you trying to do with the LEDs?

Please post the code you do have so far using <<code>> tags e.g.

#include "mbed.h"
main() {
posted by Andy A 18 Apr 2016

/media/uploads/vishwas123/led_driver.gif I want to blink the Red and Infrared LED alternatively using Pwm.I m using FRDM KL25Z.Please help me

posted by vishwas nagekar 19 Apr 2016
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