8 years, 3 months ago.

Duplicate RTC1_IRQHandler() and made a compiler error

I tried to compile "NNN40_BLE_CMSIS-RTX_Beta" and got an error.
RTC1_IRQHandler() routine are duplicated in two files as below.
1) us_ticker.c (mbed-src-nnn40 lib.)
2) RTX_Conf_CM.c (mbed-rtos-nnn40 lib.)
How do I select those two function?

1 Answer

8 years, 3 months ago.

It could be compiled successfully in my environment.
It would be OK if the target is set correctly.

I tried just compile the code imported from "https://developer.mbed.org/teams/Delta/code/NNN40_BLE_CMSIS-RTX_Beta/" and added "Delta DFCM-NNN40" platform to my compiler.

Accepted Answer

Tedd san,
thanks your prompt answer.
I tried it based on your suggestion and could compile it.
I saw mbed-src-nnn40 is branch revision and would like to update the revision before compile.
Thanks again your support.

posted by Kenji Arai 20 Mar 2016

Good to hear that the problem fixed :)

posted by Tedd OKANO 20 Mar 2016