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9 years, 9 months ago.
setSampleFrequency interferring with BLE connection/disconnection callbacks
I'm using PinDetect to fire callback functions if a button is pressed/released. I'm running as a BLE Gatt server, and have callbacks on connection/disconnection of other BLE devices. I also have a ticker running every second to return the ble.waitForEvent().
I've setup PinDetect in main.cpp:
/*Setup switch input*/ pIn.mode(PullUp); // Delay for initial pullup to take effect wait(.01); //set asserted = 0 volts and deasserted = 5 pIn.setAssertValue(0); // Setup Interrupt callback function for a button hit pIn.attach_asserted(&buttonPressed); pIn.attach_deasserted(&buttonReleased); // Start sampling pb input using interrupts pIn.setSampleFrequency();
Everything works until I return one of the BLE onConnection or onDisconnection callbacks, at which point my mBed board freezes.
If I comment out pIn.setSampleFrequency() the BLE stuff works fine, but I don't get the PinDetect functionality.
It thus appears to me as though the callbacks are interfering with each other, or something strange is happening in setSampleFrequency. Any ideas as to why I can't make these two work simultaneously? - I might be doing something stupid!
Many thanks