8 years, 4 months ago.

putty with ubuntu 14.04

I installed putty and tried to open a session with serial connection As destination /dev/ttyS0 appears automatically . When I open the session there is a message " unable to open connection , unable to open serial port" as a fatal error. With widows Vista it works Thank you in advance for suggestions to resolve this problem Markos

1 Answer

8 years, 4 months ago.

You have to identify the port : insert your device , open the terminal emulator, type dmesg and you find the port.
When I use a FTDI cable between the midcroprocessor (Tx / Rx pins) and the USB, I get the port /dev/USB0
When I use a mbed 1768 I get /dev/ttyACM0
This is with Ubuntu 14.04, where I use Gtkterm

I tried Gtkterm. The message "Cannot open /dev/ttyS0:Permission denied " appears as soon as I click on Gtkterm icon. many thanks

posted by Markos Thanos 06 Mar 2016

You need a autorisation ! see http://askubuntu.com/questions/646891/permission-denied-when-attempting-to-open-ttys-in-gtkterm and :Which hardware do you use ?

posted by Robert Spilleboudt 06 Mar 2016

I tried sudo usermode -a -G dialout <user> and sudo usermode -a -G dialout <markos> and the response in both cases "bash: syntax error near unexpected token 'newline' excuse my ignorance my hardware is acer aspire 6530G

posted by Markos Thanos 06 Mar 2016

usually I am lazy and I use the GUI interface for the various authorizations. I am connected with administrator privileges My question about hardware was : which microprocessor,the hardware between the processor and the PC ( a simple cable, a FTDI converter , a Bluetooth ...?) , which connection to your PC ( usb port)

posted by Robert Spilleboudt 06 Mar 2016

the cable is the one supplied with LPC1768 The usb port is first on the right of the laptop (??)excuse my ignorance

Thank you for your help. With serial terminal works OK

I tried sudo usermode -a -G dialout markos (as <user>) but I am in a deadlock . The system asks for password. There is one password only the one I have as user and it is not accepted . Is there a way around ?

posted by Markos Thanos 06 Mar 2016