8 years, 11 months ago.

Access to the target folders of the mbed library

I was wondering if access to the target folders are available for the mbed library as they used to be for the mbed-src. I ask as we are wanting to modify some of the pinouts for a target. I could do this for the mbed-src, but I'm having issues with the code using the mbed-src but the mbed library works fine. I see the target folder on the mbed website; however when I import the library none of those folders are available.

Question relating to:

The official Mbed 2 C/C++ SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications.

It appears the folder must not have fully been transferred over (it seemed to have taken a long time) as I retried and now it appears to be working.

posted by Casey Quinn 01 Mar 2016

2 Answers

8 years, 11 months ago.

Take into account that for some reason only known to the gods (and possibly mbed staff, but not sure about that one) they renamed mbed-src to mbed-dev, so for the latest version you require mbed-dev.

Accepted Answer

Good to know. Thanks for that update.

posted by Casey Quinn 01 Mar 2016

Since the user experience of mbed-src and mbed-dev is slow and clunky to move around, import and export how would you feel about having a repo for each target that only gets the updates that are relevant to the target. This breaks things a bit but the mbed.bld will obviously still exist. It would mean you still need to set the proper target and also have the *right* library imported. I have mixed feelings about this and wondering how power users would feel. IMO mbed-src (now mbed-dev) is only useful when debugging or bringing up new platforms. Feedback??

posted by Sam Grove 01 Mar 2016

Maybe a separate topic would be good for this :).

In addition to the reasons you use, there is another one: Customizing. For example if you want a different clock setup for your board.

For starters: I definately see the problems you mention. The compiler gets close to crashing when you try to update the mbed-dev lib. Having it smaller/less clunky would definately be useful. I think going target specific would really be handy, not always perfect, but generally a better solution. Maybe manufacturer specific would be an inbetween option, although maybe for large ones, such as an STM, you still got a huge lib.

posted by Erik - 01 Mar 2016

OK - Will start a separate thread about this. Good mention on the customization of clocks and hardware. Would be an interesting to see if getting a decent workflow is possible while tracking upstream changes :)

posted by Sam Grove 01 Mar 2016
8 years, 11 months ago.

You should use mbed-dev instead of mbed-src. It's more updated

Good to know. Thanks.

posted by Casey Quinn 01 Mar 2016