8 years, 10 months ago.

LoRaWAN-demo-72, more details on how this works?


I have successfully got SX1276PingPong to work, so I know that the radios + platforms are ok. I have a couple questions on how this is suppose to work:

1. Any changes to have this program work with the NUCLEO-L152RE platform? I can switch to a KL25Z if that's easier.

2. Will this work in the 433MHz or US (915MHz) modes? I have a US based model.

3. In default mode, all I see on the VT100 main screen are the "Over The Air" parameters filled in, "Private" and "Joining" are highlighted. All other fields are blank. Do parameters in Commisioning.h on both boards need to be identical for this mode, or different?

4. With "OVER_THE_AIR_ACTIVATION = 0", the main screen shows "Personalization" parameters. I do have unique DevAddr for each board in this mode. The 'r' key works BTW.

5. The text above describes a main.h file. There is no such file in the downloaded code.

Question relating to:

Application example using LoRaWAN-lib MAC layer implementation Lora, LoRaMAC, LoRaWAN, Semtech, SX1272, SX1272Lib, SX1272MB1DxS, SX1272MB2xAS

1 Answer

8 years, 10 months ago.


  1. These applications have all been developed using the NUCLEO-L152RE. Thus it is the platform that is most debugged. But, they should work on other platforms.
  2. The SX1272 RF chip operates in the 868 MHz and 915 MHz bands. If bands lower than 500 MHz are required then the SX12276 has to be used. The same demo code exists for the SX1276 RF chip LoRaWAN-demo-76. Currently the LoRaWAN specification specifies 4 different physical layer bands. (EU433, EU868, US915, CN780)
  3. The LoRaWAN demo (this project) is meant to be used on a LoRaWAN network. The LoRaWAN network has a star topology and requires the usage of at least 1 gateway + a network server. You can get more information about the LoRaWAN protocol at the LoRa-alliance portal web site http://www.lora-alliance.org/. Thus it is not meant to perform a point to point communication.
  4. The LoRaWAN network specification provides 2 ways to be connected to, Over the Air Activation and Personalization Activation.
  • Over the Air Activation - The Authentication and Encryption keys are exchanged over the air. Each time the node joins the network the keys are updated.
  • Personalization Activation - The Authentication and Encryption keys are programmed on the device at manufacturing. The keys are the same for the life of the end-device.

5. Thanks for the finding It is a typo. You should read main.c. I'll update the text.

Best regards

Accepted Answer