8 years, 10 months ago.

Akash Vibhute / RF24Network_Send or receive with stm32l476rg

I tried the send and receive examples wit stm32f446re nucleo board, and it seems to run when I tried them in stm32l476rg nucleo, immediately goes into hard fault. before even getting to the main().

the boards have nothing else installed on them, and the software was imported into mbed compiler unchanged

Question relating to:

RF24Network Send example program. Tested on Nucleo-F411. maniacbug, nRF24L01, nRF24L01P, RF24Network, Send

1 Answer

8 years, 10 months ago.

Weird.. Do you have any other platforms to try this on and replicate the error? I currently do not have that board...

I tried it on my stm32F446RE and both progress to the loop. the problem is only with the L476RG...

posted by Stan Bouli 15 Feb 2016