8 years, 5 months ago.


This example doesn't seem to work.

The LCD example works fine for me no problems but I have no LED activity with the buttons and LEDs using the DISCO_L476VG_leds_buttons example. I have updated to the latest mbed library but still have the same issue.

Question relating to:

The 32L476GDISCOVERY helps users to develop and share applications with the STM32L4 ultra-low-power microcontrollers.

AS the answer below, please provide the version of the library,if it is the really last one. IF this does nto work, please report to github mbed repository. Thanks

posted by Martin Kojtal 06 Mar 2016

I had the same problem. Work fine since I removed the printf lines...

posted by Gaetan Paulet 24 Jun 2016

1 Answer

8 years, 4 months ago.

I did have a similar kind of a problem. But there appeared the new revision of the mbed library, no 115 and the problem seems to be resolved. Give it a try.

Accepted Answer

pushing joystick button only restarts the counter, no green_led is turned on. tried updating mbed library. didn't help not working for me

posted by tom dunigan 24 May 2016