9 years, 9 months ago.

singletest.py: need wait between end of copy to target and serial port initialisation

I'm trying to use singletest.py to run tests on a U-Blox C027 board. The problem I have is that once the copy is complete the target reflashes and restarts the CPU, during which time the USB-to-serial port connection is also restarted. This is exactly the time that the singletst.py script is attempting to initialise the serial port, and so it always fails:

C:\>python singletest.py -i test_spec.json -M muts_all.json -v


Building library CMSIS (LPC1768, GCC_ARM)
Building library MBED (LPC1768, GCC_ARM)
Building project DETECT (LPC1768, GCC_ARM)
Executing 'python host_test.py -d D: -f "C:\projects\mbed\build\test\LPC1768\GCC_ARM\DTCT_1\detect.bin" -p COM31 -t 10 -C 1.5 -m LPC1768 -R 2'
MBED: Instrumentation: "COM31" and disk: "D:"
HOST: Copy image onto target...
HOST: Initialize serial port...
MBED: Cannot configure port, some setting was wrong. Original message: [Error 1167] The device is not connected.


Is there a way to add a delay between the completion of the copy and the serial port initialisation? Is there any other workaround I could use? How do people usually do this?


Question relating to:

Discuss and develop the mbed SDK.

I can confirm that with the Pull Request from PrzemekWirkus, https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed/pull/986, this problem is resolved. Happy. :-)

posted by Rob Meades 20 Mar 2015

1 Answer

9 years, 9 months ago.

Hello Rob, This improvement is on my list for some time now. I will soon create pool request and add proper timings for disk / serial 'ready'.

Accepted Answer


posted by Martin Kojtal 20 Mar 2015

That's excellent news, thanks. Is there some form of workaround I can do myself in the interim?

posted by Rob Meades 20 Mar 2015

I will create pull request today, you can locally merge it your mbed SDK before Martin merges officially. Does this sound right to you? :)


$ singletest.py   .......   --global-loops 3 -W

Test summary:
| Result  | Target     | Toolchain | Test ID     | Test Description                      | Elapsed Time (sec) | Timeout (sec) | Loops |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | DTCT_1      | Simple detect test                    |        0.58        |       10      |  1/1  |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | EXAMPLE_1   | /dev/null                             |        3.5         |       20      |  1/1  |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | MBED_10     | Hello World                           |        0.4         |       5       |  1/1  |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | MBED_11     | Ticker Int                            |       11.41        |       15      |  1/1  |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | MBED_12     | C++                                   |        1.43        |       10      |  1/1  |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | MBED_16     | RTC                                   |        4.62        |       20      |  1/1  |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | MBED_2      | stdio                                 |        0.84        |       20      |  1/1  |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | MBED_23     | Ticker Int us                         |       11.42        |       15      |  1/1  |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | MBED_24     | Timeout Int us                        |       11.45        |       15      |  1/1  |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | MBED_25     | Time us                               |       11.61        |       15      |  1/1  |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | MBED_26     | Integer constant division             |        1.43        |       20      |  1/1  |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | MBED_34     | Ticker Two callbacks                  |       11.43        |       15      |  1/1  |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | MBED_A1     | Basic                                 |        1.41        |       20      |  1/1  |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | MBED_A21    | Call function before main (mbed_main) |        1.48        |       20      |  1/1  |
| TIMEOUT | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | MBED_A9     | Serial Echo at 115200                 |       40.41        |       20      |  0/3  |
| OK      | UBLOX_C027 | ARM       | MBED_BUSOUT | BusOut                                |        2.36        |       15      |  1/1  |
Result: 15 OK / 1 TIMEOUT

Completed in 283.15 sec
posted by Przemek Wirkus 20 Mar 2015

Sounds more than good to me! Have a good weekend.

posted by Rob Meades 20 Mar 2015

Rob, You can merge this and start testing with U-BLOX: https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed/pull/986 Have a nice weekend too !

posted by Przemek Wirkus 20 Mar 2015