9 years, 9 months ago.

Mbed transfer to prodution

Hello All,

I have some questions about transfer to final product.

If I am using lpc1114fd28. Can I pull out the chip(lpc1114) out of the mbed plattform and put on my own pcb. (of course having a proper crystal, reset and power supply). Or is dependant on the microcontroller on the mbed plattform? using mbed plattform as programmer.....

Can I put a new empty lpc1114fd28 in the socket on the mbed platform and program it? Or does the mcu need to preloaded which som code? I guess that is handeled by additional microcontroller on mbed platform.

Can I implement the three communication lines on mbed plattform which goes to lpc1114fd28 to my own pcb design and use mbed plattform as a in-circuit-programmer?

Can i reconfigure mbed to use internal crystal of target micro controller, instead of external.

I am trying to understand if it is time to leave mbed or if i should use it all the way to full production...

I like the simplicity so far.

1 Answer

9 years, 9 months ago.

Do you mean LPC1114FN28? if so then you can pull the MCU off the socket and use that on you own board and replace that with a 'blank' MCU.

Yes you can use the SWDIO, SWCLK, nR, VIN and GND lines to program you own board. (remove the MCU from the MBED board first you can't program two at a time).

The default clock set up is for IRC so the 12MHz crystal is not required, but if you want to use a crystal for your clock source, you will need to change the clock set up in system_LPC11xx.c file (line 111) to this:

'#define SYSPLLCLKSEL_Val 0x00000001'

Great! Exactly what I was asking for! So i guess this works for all mbed platforms but most of them you need to de-solder the mcu to use it for in circuit programming?

posted by Johan Stenberg 13 Mar 2015

No, that would be an overkill. Most platforms have a facility to bypass the on-board MCU and connect to your own board. The easiest are the Freescale platforms, you can disable the on board MCU by disconnecting a jumper and use the SWD or JTag socket to connect your own board for programming, here's an example:


posted by Paul Staron 13 Mar 2015