9 years, 6 months ago.

Brushless servo-MOTOR kl25Z..

Hi guys! I try to control a servo-motor (http://www.blue-bird-model.com/en/widevoltageservo/bls-2112.html) this one with kl25z freescale and I don't have any ideea about the code...I have knowlege about PWM semnals and electronics stuff but I try to learn to comand the motors... Anyone can explain me what can I to do to realise this code... I know C and a little bit C++ (i don't like classes:)) ) ... Best regards and I wait someone to save me :)) !

1 Answer

9 years, 6 months ago.

You do not have to command the motor: just send a correct PPM signal. A simple google to "PPM servo signal" provides the information.
You may try this with a PWM, I do it with a timer interrupt.