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9 years, 10 months ago.
two microUSB connectors?
There are two micro USB connectors on Arch-Pro, and we use one next the reset switch for downloading and debugging. What do we use the other micro USB connector for? On the schematic, I couldn't find other micro USB connector symbol...
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1 Answer
9 years, 10 months ago.
One is connected to the programming interface, so the one you currently use for downloading and programming. The other one is connected to the LPC1768 itself, which also has a USB peripheral. You can for example program it to emulate a mouse:
The LPC1768 can also be a USBHost, but I don't know if the Seeeduino is setup for that (requires a slightly different setup around the USB connector).
Hi, Erik, thank you for your comments. Can I find how it is connected to LPC1768 itselt? I failed to find it in the schematic provided by SeeedStudio.
posted by 13 Feb 2015