8 years, 5 months ago.

Can anyone please tell me how to interface CC2500 module with KL25Z?

I am using FRDM KL25Z kit at transmitter side. I want to send accelerometer output of FRDM to the receiver through CC2500z. SO I am interfacing CC2500 to KL25z. Please tell me how to interface CC2500 to KL25z. Which is code for it?

1 Answer

8 years, 5 months ago.

There does not appear to be any public code on the mbed site. If you are happy to port Arduino code then just google Arduino CC2500, you should get a couple of hits at GitHub.

EDIT There is public mbed code for the CC2550 here https://developer.mbed.org/users/djtr/code/ccRF/ you can download, I don't know if it is compatible.

Accepted Answer

Thank you dear. My work to transmit the data using KL25Z and RF module has been done. Now I am looking for receiving the data using NXP1768 and RF mudule. The code you have sent whether it is only for transmission or both transmission and reception? I want reception code for UART LPC1768. Can you please help me out?

posted by Prachi Ravande 08 Feb 2016