8 years, 7 months ago.

open and close "projects" in mbed

Hello and thanks for your help

I am now already developing some simple programs with the Nucleo using mbed. It works great. But I got 6 programs open and I think it will keep increasing. Do I have to somehow "close" some programs when I am not using them to make space? Is it going to become cluttered? If I do can I "open" them again? I am new to cloud development so I dont know how this works.

1 Answer

8 years, 7 months ago.

Click on My Programs (top of the list), in the workspace will show up the list of your projects sorted by name, tags, date, etc. The leftmost column is the checkbox column. If you deselect some, they will not show up in your Program Workspace. Checking them again will bring them back. Hope I understood your problem correctly.


Accepted Answer

Also once a program is working click on the commit button. That will save the current program into the version control system. Version control is always a good idea, it means that if you accidentally break the program you can view the differences and go back to the working version.

posted by Andy A 17 Dec 2015