8 years, 7 months ago.

Don't Work

Use the 'LPC1768' boards and gy-521(mpu-6050). Set up Using the GY-521 breakout board, I set ADO to 0 by grounding through a 4k7 resistor



/* For LPC1768 board */ I2C i2c(p9,p10); setup i2c (SDA,SCL)

/* For NUCLEO-F411RE board */ static I2C i2c(D14,D15); setup i2c (SDA,SCL)

But don't work. (I AM 0x54 Could not connect to MPU6050 Check the connections... Calibration is completed. MPU6050 is initialized for operation..




Why take the 0x54 "WHOAMI" function? and why is the value of Acceleromater and Gyroscope zero?

Question relating to:

Program takes accelerometer and gyroscope data from the MPU6050 registers and calibrates them for better results. Then uses this data is to obtain pitch and roll angles and writes these … ANGLE, complementary, filter, gyro, gyroscope, I2C, LPC1768, mbed, MPU6050, Nucleo F411RE, pitch, roll
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