8 years, 10 months ago.

Exporting the Beat per minute to Freetronics LCD

Greeting team ST Americas, following your instructions for the BLE Heart rate Nucleo project, I have succeeded in transmitting my heart beat information to my mobile phone. Right now, I'm trying to relay those information to the Freetronics LCD 16x2 module. Can you give me some advice ?

Question relating to:

Heart Rate monitor example for the Nucleo board and the Bluetooth Low Energy Nucleo board.

1 Answer

8 years, 10 months ago.

Dear Quang,

thanks for choosing ST BLE solution!

Please, notice that you are referring to an obsolete version of the BLE Library. The current officially supported version is available here. Take care of the Arduino connector compatibility warning reported in the library page.

I guess in your scenario the Freetronics LCD should get notified with the bpm values via Bluetooth. This requires the exploitation of the GattClient fetaure enabling notifications. Our library is aligned with the latest BLE_API (the mbed abstraction layer for Bluetooth Low Energy) rev2.0.3 which does not support notifications yet. People from ARM are currently working on that. The X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1 library will be update accordingly as soon as the new features are available.

Let us know if you need further help.

Kind regards