8 years, 8 months ago.

Nucleo F334R8 run on 3.3V Power Supply

I want to power my nucleo by means of a 3.3V power supply. The nucleo is used for measuring current and displaying it on a LCD3.3.

My Questions: 1.) According to the datasheet you can power it with 3.3V through CN6 pin 4, CN7 pin 12 and pin 16. Does this mean i have to supply power to all the pins or only CN6 pin4 and it will work?

2.) Will the program still run if i remove the ST-LINK?

3.) How do i switch off SB2 and SB12?

4.) If the nucleo is powered by 3.3V, the 5V pin still be able to power the LCD screen?

I apologize for all the question, im very new to all of this and would hate to hurt my new nucleo :)

1 Answer

8 years, 8 months ago.

All the information you need is here:


You will see one side of JP6 connects the 3.3v to the MCU (used for current measurement).

If you use 3.3v to power the nucleo in this way you will not have available 5v supply and the ST-Link is not powered.

Do not power the MCU above 3.3v !

You will need to 'desolder' the 'SB' links to disconnect them.

There are LCD displays available that work on 3.3v