8 years, 9 months ago.

Easier way to make HTTP(S) requests with the ESP8266?


thanks a lot for this example code on how to make use of the ESP8266 and how to send HTTP requests.

I wondered, however, if there isn't an easier way for this. You have "hard coded" all the necessary sending and waiting for "OK" from the ESP8266 and filling buffers and counting and sending the size to an open channel ID ...

Isn't there a library that covers all this for me so I don't have to fiddle with all these low level details and can just send an HTTP(S) request string to eh ESP8266 and get the (JSON, e.g.) response from the webserver I was talking to?

Thanks a lot, Stefan.

Question relating to:

Fork of Farrukh's webserver. Tested on LPC1768 and STM32f401 but should work on almost any platform. ESP8266

1 Answer

8 years, 9 months ago.

Hi Stefan,

I haven't worked on this for some. It started as a very basic 'see what it does' project but found quite a few problems with stability. Things have moved on quite a bit since then and Mbed official are trying to get it going but may have hit the same snags as me. But take a look here, a lot more has been done and may have what you need. I have also seen some of these devices now fitted with a larger SPI Flash chip, this may help stability.


Accepted Answer