8 years, 9 months ago.

Can you program / upload the compiled code to the STMF7 dev board from OSX?

I got the code to compile but see no upload or flash firmware option from the online MBED compiler.

Question relating to:

The STM32F746G-DISCO discovery board (32F746GDISCOVERY) is a complete demonstration and development platform for STMicroelectronics ARM® Cortex®-M7 core-based STM32F746NGH6 microcontroller.

3 Answers

8 years, 8 months ago.

Hello, You should be able to update the st-link on the nucleo boards from windows, Mac or linux now by using this tool: STSW-LINK005 ST-LINK/V2 firmware upgrade

8 years, 9 months ago.

I have managed to do this (just today, in fact, after waiting for the nice folks at ST to provide drivers for the LCD), and compiling and downloading to the board worked fine for me.

I realise that in itself this is not a very useful answer: all I did was comile in the usual way, then save the .bin to the DIS_F746NG mass storage device that the STMF7 mounts as on my Mac (10.10.5, Firefox 41.0.1, if that helps).

If you need to update the board's firmware itself (as opposed to just get a compiled file onto it), I can't offer any Mac-related device: I use a Windows VM to run ST's firmware updates.

I hope this helps: first time actually posting here. Rgds, paul

I read that you just drag and drop the firmware bin on the drive but my mac isn't showing and drives when I plug it in? Which of the three usb ports do you use to get the drive to show up and do you need the SD card in to do that or does it mount from built in flash?

posted by James Armstrong 15 Oct 2015

I did update the ST-link firmware first, and used Windows to do that. I can't remember whether I tried it under OS X before that, I suspect not as the mbed online compiler did not support the board at the time I got it, and I first tried it with Kiel. As Bor Ben says, it's the mini, rather than micro USB you should use.

posted by Paul Cruickshank 16 Oct 2015
8 years, 9 months ago.

1) You should use the MINI-USB, not one of the two microUSB ports. 2) Try connecting it to a windows PC and update the ST-LINK firmware if necessary. Can't remember whether I did this when I got my board, though. My Mac is showing the mass storage and I can upload without problems.