9 years, 2 months ago.

cc3000 WiFi shield and DISCO-F746NG


I'm trying cc3000_hostdriver_mbedsocket and NTP client. It works fine on Arch Max, but the NVIC_set_all_priorities, doesn't compile on the DISCO-F746NG, first_IRQ_number and last_IRQ_number are undefined.

Did anybody get it working on the DISCO-F746NG?

Regards, Jack.

Question relating to:

1 Answer

9 years, 2 months ago.

TARGET_DISCO_F746NG was not yet present in NVIC_set_all_priorities.
I added this target to the library.
You can update the library in your project and try again.

Accepted Answer

Hi Frank, thank you very much!!! Excellent! All compiles fine now.

But the call to wifi.connect(30000) failes. With the same (ssid) parameters it works on the Arch Max. That must be something in the cc3000_hostdriver_mbedsocket, I guess...

Bring the interface up...
[CC3000 : HCI TX] Command Sent : 0x0004
[CC3000 : HCI RX] Event Received : 0x0004 - Connect Policy
[CC3000 : HCI TX] Command Sent : 0x0001
[CC3000 : HCI RX] Event Received : 0x0001 - Connecting
[CC3000] Connection to AP failed
ERROR: Failed to connect. Please verify connection details and try again.


#include "mbed.h"
#include "TS_DISCO_F746NG.h"
#include "LCD_DISCO_F746NG.h"
#include "cc3000.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "NTPClient.h"

#define CC3000_IRQ   D3  // (D3)
#define CC3000_EN    D5  // (D5)
#define CC3000_CS    D10 // (D10)
#define CC3000_MOSI  D11 // (D11)
#define CC3000_MISO  D12 // (D12)
#define CC3000_SCLK  D13 // (D13)

#define SSID         "Prakjaroen"
#define PHRASE       "A4B5C6D7E8F9"
#define SECURITY     WPA2

#define IP           ""
#define MASK         ""
#define GW           ""

#define DHCP         1

#if (DHCP == 1)
    #define STATIC_IP    0
    #define IP_INIT      DHCP
    #define STATIC_IP    1
    #define IP_INIT      STATIC_IP

using namespace mbed_cc3000;


/* cc3000 module declaration specific for user's board. Check also init() */
#if (MY_BOARD == WIGO)
cc3000 wifi(PTA16, PTA13, PTD0, SPI(PTD2, PTD3, PTC5), SSID, PHRASE, SECURITY, false);
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
cc3000 wifi(p28, p27, p30, SPI(p21, p14, p37), SSID, PHRASE, SECURITY, false);
Serial pc(UART_TX, UART_RX);
cc3000 wifi(CC3000_IRQ, CC3000_EN, CC3000_CS, SPI(CC3000_MOSI, CC3000_MISO, CC3000_SCLK), SSID, PHRASE, SECURITY, false); //SparkFun Board on Arduino pin definitions
//Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
//    Serial pc(P4_28, P4_29);

    #if defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F411RE)
    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
    #elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F411RE)
    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
    #elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_PRO)
    Serial pc(P4_28, P4_29);
    #elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_MAX)
    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
    Serial bt(D6, D7);  // tx, rx, Arch Max
    #elif defined(TARGET_LPC4337)
    Serial pc(P2_10, P2_11); // TX, RX
    #elif defined(TARGET_DISCO_F746NG)
    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);



// array to store RM parameters from EEPROM
unsigned char cRMParamsFromEeprom[128];

// array to store MAC address from EEPROM
unsigned char cMacFromEeprom[6];


int main()
    uint8_t firmware_ver[2];
    signed char mac_status = -1;
    unsigned char FW_status = 1;

//    init(); /* board dependent init */

    printf("\r\nTarget   : ");
#if defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F411RE)
    printf("NUCLEO F411RE\r\n");
#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F446RE)
    printf("NUCLEO F446RE\r\n");
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_PRO)
    printf("Seeed Arch PRO\r\n");
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_MAX)
    printf("Seeed Arch Max\r\n");
#elif defined(TARGET_LPC4337)
#elif defined(TARGET_DISCO_F746NG)

    printf("CPU Clock: %3.3f MHz\r\n", ((float)SystemCoreClock/1000000.0));

    printf("MAC      : ");
    char mac_board[6];
    for(int i=0; i<6;i++) {
        printf("%02X", mac_board[i]);
        if (i < 5) printf(":");

    printf("mbed cc3000 NTP client demo.\r\n");

    printf("Initialize the interface using a static IP address (%s)...\r\n", IP);
    wifi.init(IP, MASK, GW);
    printf("Initialize the interface using DHCP...\r\n");

    printf("Read from cc3000...\r\n");
    // Read Firmware Version and MAC Address
    FW_status = wifi.read_sp_version(firmware_ver);   // read actual Firmware version
    if(FW_status == 0){
        printf("Firmware version: %d.%d\r\n", firmware_ver[0], firmware_ver[1]);
        mac_status = wifi.get_mac_address(cMacFromEeprom);
        if(mac_status == 0){
            printf("MAC address     : ");
            for(int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
                printf("%02X", cMacFromEeprom[i]);
                if (i < 5) printf(":");
    } else {
        printf("ERROR: CC3000 not found - check connections !\r\n");

    // WiFi parameters
    printf("WiFi parameters:\r\n");
    printf("SSID            : %s\r\n", SSID);
    printf("Phrase          : %s\r\n", PHRASE);
    printf("Security        : ");
    if (SECURITY == 0) printf("NONE");
    if (SECURITY == 1) printf("WEP");
    if (SECURITY == 2) printf("WPA");
    if (SECURITY == 3) printf("WPA2");
    // Connect to WiFi
    printf("Bring the interface up...\r\n");
    if (wifi.connect() == -1) {
        printf("ERROR: Failed to connect. Please verify connection details and try again.\r\n");
    char *ip     = wifi.getIPAddress();
    char *mask   = wifi.getNetworkMask();
    char *gate   = wifi.getGateway();
    char *mac    = wifi.getMACAddress();
    bool conn    = wifi.is_connected();
    bool dhcp    = wifi.is_dhcp_configured();
    bool enabled = wifi.is_enabled();
    printf("IP              : %s\r\n", ip);
    printf("Netmask         : %s\r\n", mask);
    printf("Gateway         : %s\r\n", gate);
    printf("MAC             : %s\r\n", mac);
    printf("Connected       : %d\r\n", conn);
    printf("DHCP            : %d\r\n", dhcp);
    printf("Enabled         : %d\r\n", enabled);

    // Read time from server
    NTPClient ntp_client;
    // NTP Server Parameters
//    char* domain_name = "";
    char* domain_name = "0.nl.pool.ntp.org";
    int   port_number = 123;
    time_t ct_time;
    char time_buffer[80];    
    char time_buffer_old[80];    

    printf("Reading time: ");
    if (ntp_client.setTime(domain_name, port_number) == 0) {
        ct_time = time(NULL) + 7200; // Summer time - Convert to Europe/Amsterdam Time
        strftime(time_buffer, 80, "%a %d-%b-%Y %T", localtime(&ct_time));
        printf("Time            : %s\r\n", time_buffer);
    } else {

    strcpy(time_buffer_old, "Dummy value");

    TS_StateTypeDef TS_State;
    uint16_t x, y;
    uint8_t text[30];
    uint8_t status;
    uint8_t idx;
    uint8_t cleared = 0;
    uint8_t prev_nb_touches = 0;

    lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(5), (uint8_t *)"TOUCHSCREEN DEMO", CENTER_MODE);

    status = ts.Init(lcd.GetXSize(), lcd.GetYSize());
    if (status != TS_OK) {
        lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(5), (uint8_t *)"TOUCHSCREEN INIT FAIL", CENTER_MODE);
    } else {
        lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(5), (uint8_t *)"TOUCHSCREEN INIT OK", CENTER_MODE);


    while(1) {
        ct_time = time(NULL);
//        strftime(time_buffer, 80, "%S", localtime(&ct_time));
        strftime(time_buffer, 80, "%a %d-%b-%Y %T", localtime(&ct_time));
        if (strcmp(time_buffer, time_buffer_old) != 0) {
            strcpy(time_buffer_old, time_buffer);
            printf("%s\r\n", time_buffer);
            strftime(time_buffer, 80, "%T", localtime(&ct_time));
            // 21:00:00
            if ((time_buffer[3] == '0') && (time_buffer[4] == '0') && 
                (time_buffer[6] == '0') && (time_buffer[7] == '0')) {
                // Sync once per hour
                printf("Reading time: ");
                if (ntp_client.setTime(domain_name, port_number) == 0) {
                    ct_time = time(NULL) + 7200; // Summer time - Convert to Europe/Amsterdam Time
                    strftime(time_buffer, 80, "%a %d-%b-%Y %T", localtime(&ct_time));
//                    printf("Time            : %s\r\n", time_buffer);
                } else {
        if (TS_State.touchDetected) {
            // Clear lines corresponding to old touches coordinates
            if (TS_State.touchDetected < prev_nb_touches) {
                for (idx = (TS_State.touchDetected + 1); idx <= 5; idx++) {
            prev_nb_touches = TS_State.touchDetected;

            cleared = 0;

            sprintf((char*)text, "Touches: %d", TS_State.touchDetected);
            lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(0), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);

            for (idx = 0; idx < TS_State.touchDetected; idx++) {
                x = TS_State.touchX[idx];
                y = TS_State.touchY[idx];
                sprintf((char*)text, "Touch %d: x=%d y=%d    ", idx+1, x, y);
                lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(idx+1), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);

            lcd.DrawPixel(TS_State.touchX[0], TS_State.touchY[0], LCD_COLOR_ORANGE);
        } else {
            if (!cleared) {
                sprintf((char*)text, "Touches: 0");
                lcd.DisplayStringAt(0, LINE(0), (uint8_t *)&text, LEFT_MODE);
                cleared = 1;

Hi Frank, Thanks for the quick response. Yes I tried wifi.connect() (default 20000) and debug off, and it actually is the cc3000 NTP demo. It works on the Arch Max, that way. I also tried to not run NVIC_set_all_irq_priorities. (lines in it commented out) I guess ifit can't get an IP address (DHCP or Static), the other demos won't work too.

I checked the 5V, it was only 4.73V. After adding an extra supply to the arduino 5V pin it works fine... So the DISCO-F746NG can't supply enough current for the CC3000 WiFi shield.

Regards, Jack.

posted by Jack Berkhout 08 Oct 2015

Is there any reason why you use wifi.connect(30000) (default value = 20000)? Did you try using the NTP demo at https://developer.mbed.org/cookbook/cc3000? Perhaps you can try one of the other demos as well? As a test, you can also try without calling NVIC_set_all_priorities and/or not using the CC3000 debug output (even though the debug messages are useful, these printfs sometimes interfere too much with the CC3000 time-critical code). Note : Some users report the ST libs still are buggy (see https://developer.mbed.org/forum/bugs-suggestions/topic/4671/?page=4#comment-39934). I can't confirm this as i don't have any of these boards.

posted by Frank Vannieuwkerke 08 Oct 2015