9 years ago.

Impossible to load a .bin file


I can read the mbed unit (F:drev) u-bloc U027 but I can't load anything (.bin file) or delte a file on the module. The units pops up and shows that a file is stored on the module: mbed (a HTM file), and after something like 20 sec. it shows a text file saying "TIMEOUT", and then the connection to the unit is closed. It tries to reconnect a few times and then I have to disconnect the module and connect it again to have a new try (still only 20 sec.) but no succes.

I have tried to load "HelloWorld" but nothing happends except the red LED blinks like if the program is loaded but nothing is loaded.

I am using Windows 10.

i am a new at a u-blox distributor and need your help.

vbr Jens Vittrup jv@moreelectronics.dk +45 40 182838

Question relating to:

Do you have a power supply connected? You'll get that on the U027 if you only have USB connected and not a power supply.

posted by Andy A 21 Sep 2015

Thanks. Yes i have, and it seems to work with win7, but not with win10 !!

posted by Jens Vittrup 21 Sep 2015
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