9 years, 6 months ago.

Blue Gecko


will you be supporting the BLE Blue Gecko on mbed?

Question relating to:

Silicon Labs a leading provider of microcontroller, sensing and wireless connectivity solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT).

Hi, is there any news on this? Will be great to have SLWSTK6101C with mbed support.

posted by David Hernandez 09 Mar 2017

Voting for this as well. Can you speculate if this will be available any time soon?

posted by Louis Naber 03 May 2017

1 Answer

9 years, 6 months ago.

Hi Chris,

we are currently looking into providing a Silicon Labs BLE solution on mbed, but I expect that'll take some more time. We'll make sure to update everyone when ready!

Accepted Answer

Hi Chris,

As a follow up - do you envision that a version of the BGM111 module that supports mbed will use the SLWSTK6101A wireless starter kit? Assuming making the kit mbed-compatible requires more on-kit memory, and perhaps a board spin, I wonder if the current expansion header pinouts will be preserved?

Pardon me if my questions are premature.

posted by chilezie nnadi 28 Nov 2015


As you posted your question under my answer, I'm assuming you're asking me, not Chris. We don't have any specific announcement to make regarding BGM111 and mbed right now. I can, however, confirm that the SLWSTK6101A will be the base-board of choice for our wireless module development for the foreseeable future, and we have always had a goal of preserving as much pinout functionality as possible (i.e. serial on the same pins, I2C on the same pins, etc.).

Hope this answers some of your questions.

posted by Steven Cooreman 01 Dec 2015

Has there been any progress on this? Thank you.

posted by Rob Rodriguez 29 Aug 2016

Hi Robert, Sorry for my delayed response because of vacation. There is internal progress being made to lay the foundation for mbed on Blue Gecko, but we don't have anything to communicate right now with regards to a potential timeline. As you'll surely appreciate, getting a wireless stack to cooperate with anything else running concurrently is a complicated task, and we do not want to disappoint our customers with a half-baked release.

posted by Steven Cooreman 05 Sep 2016

any news about Blue Gecko MBED Support?

posted by Farrukh Hussain 10 Aug 2017