9 years, 1 month ago.

downloads corrupt?


I cannot open the pdf or sch (eagle) files. they are not recognized by pdf reader or cadsoft eagle. the same is true for the latest revisions.

are the files corrupt, or am i doing something wrong? how can i download and open the pdf and sch files in a proper way?


Question relating to:

The HDK is used for creating mbed enabled hardware. Give your hardware project the power of mbed! HDK

3 Answers

9 years, 1 month ago.

How are you downloading files ? Use mercurial to clone the repository, should work. Let us know

I download them by clicking on them in my browser (or using 'save link as'), it downloads as .pdf but then i can not open it.

posted by pee four 06 Sep 2015
9 years, 1 month ago.

If you do not want to install mercurial, you can download a zip file with the whole HDK. Look at "download repository"

thanks! downloading the repository works! but why does downloading single files produce corrupt files?

posted by pee four 06 Sep 2015
8 years, 4 months ago.

I know this is an old question but on investigation I found that the downloaded file was actually the HTML of the web page, but renamed to the name of the file. I believe this was true for both IE and Firefox.

Files that were classed as "binary" could not be downloaded at all.

It was possible to obtain Eagle schematics though by selecting and copying the XML data in the web browser and pasting it into a text editor then using search and replace to remove unwanted HTML tags (<B>, </B>, <P>) to make a valid Eagle design file.