8 years, 10 months ago.

We have own PCB with BlueNRG but not with STM MCU.Which driver should we use?Adjust X-CUBE-BLE1?

We are working on own PCB solution using BlueNRG, but without STM MCU. We are using Atmel SAM MCU. What is the official code/driver/library for Bluetooth stack, which we should use? Should we adjust the driver from X-CUBE-BLE1 for our MCU or is there anything else?

2 Answers

8 years, 9 months ago.

Hi Martin, there is an mbed library for BlueNRG and is available here: https://developer.mbed.org/teams/ST/code/X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1/

You can also find a page related to ST X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 BlueNRG shield, with an example application, here: https://developer.mbed.org/components/X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1/

Does your PCB include the BlueNRG chip or are you using the X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 shield connected to your PCB?

If you are using the ST shield, please notice that the SPI clock is on the D3 pin instead of the standard Arduino D13. This works just fine with STM32 Nucleo boards, but not with boards that can't use D3 for the SPI clock. To use it with your PCB, you need a simple HW patch to X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1: on your shield you can short pin #6 of CN5 and pin #4 of CN9. This patch will work ONLY if you don't use the Arduino D3 pin in the rest of your code.

Hope that helps.

Accepted Answer

Hi Antonio, we do not use X-NUCLEO_IDB04A1 shield, our PCB includes BlueNRG chip. Currently we are using X-CUBE-BLE1 SW package, but this mbed library for X-NUCLEO-IDB0XA1 looks interesting. Thanks.

posted by Martin Manduch 12 Oct 2015

Hi Martin, if you have your own PCB, then take a look at the 'x_nucleo_idb0xa1_targets.h' file, where you can select the pins to use with your BlueNRG chip according to your schematics.

posted by Antonio Vilei 13 Oct 2015
8 years, 10 months ago.

Hi Martin,

A good starting point to begin your development is to use the BlueNRG DK: http://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/PF261967.

FYI, there will soon be an official BlueNRG library on Mbed if you already use mbed environnement.



thanks, just BlueNRG DK is not useful, because we have own board, not a STM eval or development board and we can't connect it to BlueNRG DK GUI. There are ACI drivers in the package called X-CUBE-BLE1. We are interested if these drivers are officially supported, up to date etc. to be used for production.

posted by Martin Manduch 27 Aug 2015

X-CUBE-BLE1 package is maintained by ST. For now, the package is aligned on the BlueNRG DK 1.7 but will soon be updated on the latest DK 1.8.

posted by Julien Tiron 28 Aug 2015