8 years, 11 months ago.

Where can I find the examples for GAP central and Gatt client?

Dear all,

I have found that BLE_API supports GAP central role and Gatt client. Is it a stable version now? and where can I find the examples for GAP central and Gatt client ?


Question relating to:

High level Bluetooth Low Energy API and radio abstraction layer

1 Answer

8 years, 11 months ago.

I would recommend lookijng at BLE_ButtonSense or BLE_LEDBlinker, as both now show how to GAP discover a device. Button sense starts to show how to write, if your Service is supported. If not you will need to define your own services, in which case I would recommend looking at the BLE_LoopbackUART, which shows how and where to place the service definition, provided you know the service and characteristic UUID and types(read/write/notify/indicate). Additionally for acutual communication you will want to look at some of the gattserver examples, which show how qued information is handled, handling errors, and writing to the remote device. It also gives insight in to what your peripheral device should be expecting of you.

Good Luck, JPaul Carpenter

Thanks! BLE_ButtonSense or BLE_LEDBlinker are all what I am looking for.

posted by Chunqiang Li 16 Aug 2015