9 years, 11 months ago.

Platforms supported by SWUpdate

Is this supported on the FRDM-K64F? I assume you need an SD card to hold the download image.

If not the FRDM-K64F, which platforms?

Any supported WiFi options?

Thanks, Tom

Question relating to:

David Smart / SWUpdate Featured
Software Update via Ethernet - the mbed application can pull down an updated application binary from a web server and activate that binary. This library works only with the LPC1768, … FOTA, LPC1768, SW Update

1 Answer

9 years, 11 months ago.

It will only work for the mbed LPC1768 since it uses LocalFileSystem. It just doesn't use it for storage purposes (then an SD card would do fine too), but it uses the bootloader since those ones work different from new ones like the K64F: It writes bin file to LocalFileSystem, and then triggers a reset. The interface IC will at reset notice there is a new bin file, and program the LPC1768 with it. This does not work for your K64F.

Accepted Answer

Is it supported on Seeeduino-Arch-Pro since that is LPC1768 or is local file system unique to the NXP modules?

Thanks again, Tom

posted by Tom Russell 21 Jan 2015

It is unique to the two original mbeds (LPC11u24 and LPC1768), and uses a seperate flash IC which later boards, including the Seeeduino-Arch-Pro do not have,

posted by Erik - 21 Jan 2015