9 years, 4 months ago.

mbed NXP LPC1768 resets/crashes my laptop everytime it's plugged in.

I have been using the mbed LPC1768 once Sept 14.

When I first got the device I plugged it in and away I went, no problems... LOVED IT.

One day I plugged the device into my laptop and the screen went blank and reset itself.

At first I thought it was a glitch so let the laptop reboot and tried again (using a different USB port) No luck, the same thing happened.

I don't believe the problem to be the mbed itself as I've used a different machine and the mbed works fine....

I've powered the mbed up using an external source.. thinking it could be the laptop shutting down because it has a problem powering the device. This made no difference.

I have also plugged the mbed into the laptop (powered down) and then turned the laptop on.. all this done was power the laptop up into recovery mode and wouldn't boot up correctly.

The laptop being used a is HP Pavilion dv6 Notebook PC and the operation system is Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

Do you have any suggestions as to what could be causing this problem?

Kind Regards Costin91

Update on the problem: I located the drivers on the C drive relating to the mbed. I deleted these and reset the laptop. I then plugged in the mbed and no reset..... GREAT.

A few minutes later the mbed appears as a storage drive (like a USB) and I could access the saved files on the device itself. I was even able to program the mbed with a simple hello world program (blinking LED) which worked.

I then attempted to communicate via the serial port. So I opened a terminal program (tera term) and the serial port option was not highlighted. I figured I'd have to reinstall the serial configuration driver (previously deleted) in order for this to work.

I went to the serial configuration mbed wed page and clicked on "download latest driver". The window appeared stating the download of the driver would take a couple of minutes. I clicked ok and then RESET…NOOOO.

I attempted it again and no luck. However I do now have the laptop operating fine when the mbed is plugged in. It seems it only resets when I attempt to download the serial configuration drivers.

Do you know if there is more than one method of downloading the serial drivers other than http://developer.mbed.org/handbook/Windows-serial-configuration

posted by Steven Costin 12 Jan 2015

3 Answers

9 years, 4 months ago.

Whatever it is: A USB device should never be able to cause a reboot. No matter if it does weird communication or shortcircuits the USB power, a PC should be able to handle it all.

Option 1: Go to your device manager on your PC, view -> show hidden devices. Check in the different USB categories if you see anything related to mbed, uninstall it, hope that solves it.

Option 2: Find out if there are new drivers for your USB chipset from the HP site.

No other ideas :).

Thank you for your response.

Response to 1: I have looked at the device manager however I couldn't see anything relating to the mbed.

Response to 2: Everything else such as memory sticks, hard drives and more work on all the USB ports. It's just mbed that has a problem with the laptop.

posted by Steven Costin 10 Jan 2015
9 years, 4 months ago.

Mbed LPC1768 needs approximately 160mA from the USB port.

If your laptop shuts off when a known working Mbed is plugged in, then this indicates a problem with the laptop itself.

To confirm this, plug in a USB hard drive (if you have one) and see if the same problem occurs, these suck more power than the Mbed.

If it does not then try another USB cable, otherwise its a mystery.

Thanks for the response. I used memory sticks, xbee modules and more since experiencing this problem. Everything else works but the mbed.

posted by Steven Costin 10 Jan 2015

At this stage (I have been here many times before!) I would do a full system restore (after you back up your data!). In many cases its quicker than trying to find the problem, and best of all you can have a couple of beer's whilst you waiting for it to reload.

I'm using the same windows version as you, I usually carry out a system restore once a year, due soon so better get the beers in.

posted by Paul Staron 11 Jan 2015

Update on the problem: I located the drivers on the C drive relating to the mbed. I deleted these and reset the laptop. I then plugged in the mbed and no reset..... GREAT.

A few minutes later the mbed appears as a storage drive (like a USB) and I could access the saved files on the device itself. I was even able to program the mbed with a simple hello world program (blinking LED) which worked. I then attempted to communicate via the serial port. So I opened a terminal program (tera term) and the serial port option was not highlighted. I figured I'd have to reinstall the serial configuration driver (previously deleted) in order for this to work.

I went to the serial configuration mbed wed page and clicked on "download latest driver". The window appeared stating the download of the driver would take a couple of minutes. I clicked ok and then RESET…NOOOO.

I attempted it again and no luck. However I do now have the laptop operating fine when the mbed is plugged in. It seems it only resets when I attempt to download the serial configuration drivers.

Do you know if there is more than one method of downloading the serial drivers other than http://developer.mbed.org/handbook/Windows-serial-configuration

posted by Steven Costin 12 Jan 2015

How did you remove the drivers? Deleting them using windows explorer will not remove relevant registry parts so these will still be there and can affect the reinstallation. Using Control Panel programs uninstall 'windows driver package - Keil' can also leave garbage in the registry. Using Regedit will allow you to find the relevant parts but can be dangerous if you remove shared parts. Keep trying, but make sure you have backed up your data first just in case, and if all else fails.... get the beers out and reload your windows system!

posted by Paul Staron 12 Jan 2015
9 years, 4 months ago.


I have a Windows7-64-bit PC and I am using mbed for years now without problems (lpc1768, lcp-mini). In the last time I also had some Windows-freezes when I plug in/out my mbed. The last thing I changed was adding a USB3-USB-Hub(8-Ports with external Power). I'm not sure if this is the source of the problem but something changed.... As I had a freeze of the Windows7 without plugging mbed, I'm not sure what the problem really is. Had no time to track the real source of the problem. I just try to not plug in or out anything on USB while PC is running ... So you are not alone :-)


Update on the problem: I located the drivers on the C drive relating to the mbed. I deleted these and reset the laptop. I then plugged in the mbed and no reset..... GREAT.

A few minutes later the mbed appears as a storage drive (like a USB) and I could access the saved files on the device itself. I was even able to program the mbed with a simple hello world program (blinking LED) which worked.

I then attempted to communicate via the serial port. So I opened a terminal program (tera term) and the serial port option was not highlighted. I figured I'd have to reinstall the serial configuration driver (previously deleted) in order for this to work.

I went to the serial configuration mbed wed page and clicked on "download latest driver". The window appeared stating the download of the driver would take a couple of minutes. I clicked ok and then RESET…NOOOO.

I attempted it again and no luck. However I do now have the laptop operating fine when the mbed is plugged in. It seems it only resets when I attempt to download the serial configuration drivers. Do you know if there is more than one method of downloading the serial drivers other than http://developer.mbed.org/handbook/Windows-serial-configuration

posted by Steven Costin 12 Jan 2015