9 years, 8 months ago.

Databus pin order

Hello Todor, I'm finally getting around to using your library and want to check that the data bus pin order is DB0 to DB15, I'm not sure as your pin numbers in the ssd1289 example count the pins down. Cheers Mike

Question relating to:

This is a port of Henning Kralsen's UTFT library for Arduino/chipKIT to mbed, refactored to make full use of C++ inheritance and access control, in order to reduce work when … HX8340, ILI9325, ILI9328, ITDB02, LCD, SSD1289, ST7735, TFT, UTFT

1 Answer

9 years, 8 months ago.

Hi Michael,

I'm not familiar with this code, but I found this SSD1289 details.

Is that what you are looking for?

Hi David, yes I've seen that code but in the databus declaration the pin numbering goes from high to low when traditionally you count from low to high. So if I get it wrong the LCD board might let the magic smoke out.

posted by Michael Bawden 04 Jan 2015