10 years ago.

Is mbed-rtos expected to work when exported to KDS?

In my quest to solve a memory utilization issue with mbed-rtos, I decided to try another approach in parallel, which was to export my simple test app to KDS and then inspect the remaining heap size there. Importing and building was not a problem. In fact, it was interesting to see that in the KDS-compiled code, my available heap was 260k vs 60k when running the mbed-built code. (Note: I had more detail in my question regarding the heap size here: http://developer.mbed.org/questions/5570/mbed-rtos-memory-utilization/. The simple test entails merely importing mbed-rtos and immediately losing 200k RAM)

I then thought I should try a simple mbed-rtos call, like Thread::wait(150). In this particular case, the program would hang rather than blinking. I paused execution and found myself in the disassembler:

00000e5a:   b.n 0xe5a <SVC_Handler>
00000e5c:   b.n 0xe5c
00000e5e:   b.n 0xe5e
00000e60:   b.n 0xe60

The problem here is that it's an infinite loop. I then implemented SVC_Handler(), and it sure enough, it executed my code.

extern "C" void SVC_Handler(int R0)
    GreenLed = 1;
    RedLed = 1;

    BlueLed = 0;
    wait( 0.1);
    BlueLed = 1;

Single-stepping through this code, I could see that it worked. But that also made it clear that my program was no longer freezing - since SVC_Handler is now implemented (and doesn't hang), main continues to execute. The problem is that Thread::wait(150) isn't waiting 150ms - apparently, SVC_Handler is supposed to take care of this somehow by looking at the argument that gets passed in?

I took my contrived example a little further and added in a Semaphore. Here's my new main:

int main()
	Semaphore lock(1);
	GreenLed = 0;
	RedLed = 1;
	unsigned long heapsize = heapSize();
    while (true) {
    	GreenLed = 1;
    	RedLed = 1;
    	BlueLed = 0;
        BlueLed = 1;

While stepping through the code for lock.wait() and lock.release(), everything sure seemed normal. That is, until it hit any of these in rt_CMSIS.c:

SVC_2_1(svcSemaphoreWait,    int32_t,       osSemaphoreId,      uint32_t, RET_int32_t)
SVC_1_1(svcSemaphoreRelease, osStatus,      osSemaphoreId,                RET_osStatus)

Then it just goes to SVC_Handler, which of course just blinks an LED at this point. SVC_2_1 look like macros that handle a variety of arguments and ultimately generate assembly calls. I have to construct the code and look at it, but I'm not an assembly expert, and by glossing over it, I don't see how the meat of the operation is ultimately generated from within SVC_Handler.

I'm not sure where to go from here, but since by default SVC_Handler isn't implemented in the project than mbed exports, my conclusion is that anything but the simplest of mbed projects cannot be expected to export in a usable state. I would definitely appreciate any feedback and/or suggestions!

There should be an implementation of svc handler in RTOS. When you export, are all files in the project/makefile?

posted by Martin Kojtal 09 Dec 2014

Unfortunately, being very new to makefiles, all I can say is "I think so". I've gone through the archive and it looks like all of the necessary files are present.

I've done some more debugging, and while main() is called, via mbed-rtos there should have been a call to osKernelInitialize first, right? That function is never called. And digging further, it looks like it was not called because CC_ARM is not defined. But if I add that preprocessor definition, I just get a ton of errors.

posted by Dave M 09 Dec 2014

I am seeing similar behavior when I exported an mbed RTOS project to a K22F board. Everything works fine when compiled on mbed and downloaded. When I build and run from within KDS, it appears my wait call does not work, and it also appears that my one thread is not operational. :(

posted by Thor Hall 29 Dec 2014

I have confirmed that wait(1.0) works, while Thread::wait(1000) does not. Also, it does not appear that my thread is getting launched. It would appear the Thread library is somehow broken when exported to KDS. :(

posted by Thor Hall 29 Dec 2014
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