9 years, 6 months ago.

connection interval in projectconfig

I changed the maximum connection interval , but it was still the same.... How to do this in the projectconfig.h ?

Question relating to:

Nordic stack and drivers for the mbed BLE API

1 Answer

9 years, 6 months ago.

Within the Nordic port, if you look at btle_gap.cpp you'll find btle_gap_init() sets up the default settings which includes connection-intervals (both min and max). These values are obtained from symbols defined within projectconfig.h. You're free to experiment.

you'll also find setPreferredConnectionParams() within Gap.h to set these values dynamically.

Please be aware that setting these values in the peripheral doesn't guarantee a particular outcome for a connection; these values are ultimately at the discretion of the central.

refer to http://docs.mbed.org/docs/ble-intros/en/latest/InDepth/ConnectionParameters/