9 years, 1 month ago.

Hi Jim, have you exported to a desktop IDE ?

I also have the EzSB2. Thanks for the blinky, it has been a good demo prog to try out toolchains & verify whats working and whats not.

Have you tried to export your program to a desktop (not online) IDE / compiler ?

I got your blinky program to work straight out of the box on Keil MDK, but so far no luck with EmBlocks/EmIDE

Have you tried exporting to EmBlocks ?

Question relating to:

No i dont try yet, for now i have no time, but i will try, thanks for this info...

posted by jim kizos 25 Jun 2015

2 Answers

8 years, 12 months ago.

i have found this : http://theblinkyledblog.blogspot.gr/

9 years, 1 month ago.

No - have only tried Keil MDK.