9 years ago.

Start up time Nucleo F411RE

Hey guys,

we just got the new board and are hopelessly lost. Our problem is that we work with robots and the have a start up time after every reset of 10 seconds. This time is way to long for us... We already tried various things, we even had a look into the dephts of the mbed lib. But we had no chance finding something, maybe because we all are just 17 years old... ://

So is there a possibility to change the start up time for the nucleo F411RE??

Thanks :)

1 Answer

9 years ago.

Age is not an excuse ;).

But here is the cause of it: https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed/issues/1096. Not a clue when they are finally going to fix it. In the meantime I would delete your mbed lib, import mbed-src (search for it when importing lib), navigate to the file mentioned in the link, and modify it to meet your specs. (Changing the timeout time will help alot, although it might also be an option to just directly set it to use the HSI).

Accepted Answer

Well thanks Erik I did post a question last night, I didn't know you could port the source library mbed-src, edited stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h file Changed

  1. define HSE_STARTUP_TIMEOUT ((uint32_t)0500) /*!< Time out for HSE start up, in ms */ WAS 5000! compiled and hey presto! Thanks
posted by Martin Simpson 24 Jun 2015

Good to know. And yeah at least useful to know the mbed-src, to have access to it. And that 5000 is really alot imo.

posted by Erik - 24 Jun 2015

Thank you very much! This solved it for us... :D

posted by AEIOU Robotik 25 Jun 2015