9 years, 3 months ago.

How do you safely clear all programs off the mbed lcp1768?

I have just been deleting them through the file viewer on my computer and didnt know if that was an unsafe thing to do.

How many times can you add and delete programs off the mbed before it can not do this anymore? im basing off how there is a limited number of writes on solid state drives and figured it was similar in thinking.

I have windows 7 and to delete the program on the mbed I just right click the file and delete it. Is that the right way to do it or some other I am supposed to remove it off the mbed?

posted by Brett Schaefer 21 Jun 2015

1 Answer

9 years, 3 months ago.

On my operating system (Ubuntu) :
Del moves a file to trash , this is not a physical delete
Shift Del does the real physical delete.
How many times ?
Look at the Mbed schematic to find the chip used. I quote the data sheet of the AT45DB chip used by the Mbed1768
100,000 Program/Erase Cycles Per Page Minimum