9 years, 7 months ago.

Is this code compatible with Nucleo-L053R8 board? and ms58xx series sensors?

Hi, This is gandhi. I'm doing an internship. Here Can i use this code to run ms58xx series sensors? and also to Nucleo-L053R8 board. I'm getting errors like this: Error: Constant "PB_7" is not a type name in "ms5611.cpp", Line: 29, Col: 16 Error: Constant "PB_6" is not a type name in "ms5611.cpp", Line: 29, Col: 26

Question relating to:

High resolution barometer and altimeter using i2c mode Altimeter, barometer, I2C, ms5611

show your code how you define ms5611 object

posted by Martin Kojtal 27 May 2015

#include "mbed.h"
#include "ms5611.h"

double P;                       // compensated pressure value (mB)
double T;                       // compensated temperature value (degC)
double A;                       // altitude (ft)
double S;                       // sea level barometer (mB)

uint32_t C[8];                  //coefficient storage

// Constructor and destructor - default to be compatible with legacy m5611 driver

ms5611::ms5611(PB_7, PB_6)  : _i2c(sda, scl) {
        _i2cWAddr = MS5611_ADDR_W;
        _i2cRAddr = MS5611_ADDR_R;

// Constructor and destructor - new, to allow for user to select i2c address based on CSB pin

ms5611::ms5611(PB_7, PB_6, CSBpolarity CSBpin)  : _i2c(sda, scl) {
        _i2cWAddr = MS5611_ADDR_W;
        _i2cRAddr = MS5611_ADDR_R;
        if(CSBpin == CSBpin_1) {
            _i2cWAddr -= 2;
            _i2cRAddr -= 2;

//! @brief send I2C start condition and the address byte
//! @return 0

int ms5611::m_i2c_start(bool readMode) {
    int twst;
    if(readMode == true) {
        twst = m_i2c_write(_i2cRAddr);
    } else {
        twst = m_i2c_write(_i2cWAddr);

//! @brief send I2C stop condition
//! @return none

void ms5611::m_i2c_stop(void) {

//! @brief send I2C stop condition
//! @return remote ack status

unsigned char ms5611::m_i2c_write(unsigned char data) {
    int twst = _i2c.write(data);

//! @brief read I2C byte with acknowledgment
//! @return read byte
posted by Mohan gandhi Vinnakota 27 May 2015

1 Answer

9 years, 7 months ago.

Where does PB_6 and PB_7 come from? I2C for the L053R8 board is PB_8 and PB_9.

Try using the code example in the ms5611.h file. The MS5805 has a fixed I2C address of 0xEC, which is the same as the MS5611 with the CS pin tied high. Use the init line below:

ms5611 ms(PB_9, PB_8, ms5611::CSBpin_1);
// if the above line doesn't work, try the following line instead
// ms5611 ms(D14, D15, ms5611::CSBpin_1);


Accepted Answer

code compiled without errors. Thank you.

posted by Mohan gandhi Vinnakota 28 May 2015