10 years, 3 months ago.

library contents?

I'm a newbie, but I cannot see how to access the library contents. Is there documentation on the API's in the library?



Question relating to:

K64F applications.

1 Answer

10 years, 3 months ago.

You need to replace the 'Mbed' library with 'Mbed-SRC', then you can see and change anything you want.

Mbed-SRC here:


Delete 'Mbed' in your project folder and simple import this one.

Thanks Paul, I was actually referring to the FRDM_K46F library, but it is useful to get the mbed source.

posted by WILLIAM SELL 17 Nov 2014

All the Mbed currently supported platform libraries are there, just 'click' down to the platform you need.

posted by Paul Staron 17 Nov 2014