9 years, 4 months ago.

How do we control flash memory on FRDM-KL46Z?

Does a library for IAP exist for the platform FRDM-KL46Z? If so,please so provide the link for the same. Is there any other way to write into flash? We would like to write into flash to change variable values dynamically. Is there a way to do so without using flash?

1 Answer

9 years, 4 months ago.

To change variables you can also just use them in RAM. Although of course if you want them to survive resets it needs to be written to flash since there is no EEPROM in the KL46Z. Do take into account flash has a limitted number of write cycles: Writing everytime for example the user changes the alarm time of an alarm clock is not a problem, writing 10 times per second to it will quickly wear it out.

An IAP library for the KL46Z is here: https://developer.mbed.org/users/Sissors/code/FreescaleIAP/

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