10 years, 1 month ago.

Exporting to CoIDE and HardFP

Hey guys,

I export a program for the NUCLEO F411RE using the CoIDE export option and I can successfully open the project and compile it in the latest CoIDE. Everything is looking good, except for one thing: I notice that it is compiling with "-mfloat-abi=softfp;" in the options. So I go into Configuration and change the FPU option from FPU soft to FPU hard and then do a complete rebuild. This time the compiler complains when it goes to run ld.exe. The error looks like:


error: Nucleo_Program.elf uses VFP register arguments, C:\path\to\Nucleo_Program/mbed/TARGET_NUCLEO_F411RE/TOOLCHAIN_GCC_ARM/somembedfile.o does not

where the somembedfile.o are pre-compiled files that get exported from mbed.

I do know that since version 89 of the mbed SDK that the FPU is enabled by default, but is the exporter tool not using the latest version?



Question relating to:

Affordable and flexible platform to ease prototyping using a STM32F411RET6 microcontroller.

1 Answer

10 years, 1 month ago.


my assumption for this is that mbed library is compiled with the following settings:

        if target.core == "Cortex-M4F":

Can you replcae mbed lib weith mbed-src,export and compile? Report the result.


Accepted Answer

I replaced mbed lib with mbed-src and exported to CoIDE. I loaded the project into CoIDE and opened the Configuration settings. The default configuration is "FPU soft", so I changed this to "FPU hard" before compiling.

Everything compiles successfully. There are a few warnings about unused variables, but that's to be expected from source. And I did notice that it was giving me lots of these warnings at the end:


[cc] cc1.exe: warning: command line option '-std=gnu++98' is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C [enabled by default] [cc] cc1.exe: warning: command line option '-fno-rtti' is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C [enabled by default]

But these may have to do with me using gcc-arm 4.8 instead of 4.7.

However it does compile, and I can flash and debug directly from CoIDE.

posted by Paul Hey 30 Oct 2014