9 years, 11 months ago.

how i can receive the data from my bluetooth device?

Dear Norimasa I used your code (BlueD), the mbed lpc1768 discover my Bluetooth device and print the MAC address on my lcd on lpc board but how I can receive the data from the meter or print it on LCD.

Question relating to:

Bluetooth device discover bluetooth, USB

1 Answer

9 years, 11 months ago.

Create an UART or any bluetooth device supported interface and you can get data and you can even control bl device with AT commands

Dear Mr.Nag please if you can help me. over 3 months I am working and still no results really I am depressed . can you explain more please. I am using Bluetooth device supported SPP. how I can create UART? please help

posted by Sami Alshorman 27 Oct 2014