9 years, 12 months ago.

Documentation not ready

Similar question to above. I am trying to do a quick test in writing some documentation (never used doxygen before) and have just put a single sentence in a header file as a "detailed" description of a class.

Compiler says "Documentation not ready". Is this a bug in the documentation system (as per previous question) or do I need to document every single class, method, function, definition, enum etc. in all files in the program before it will generate documentation?

Question relating to:

1 Answer

9 years, 12 months ago.

This currently a bug and is being looked at. Should have a fix for it soon.

Accepted Answer

Any idea roughly when it will be fixed? Is there a bug list that has the status of known bugs available?


posted by Paul Harris 20 Oct 2014

Nothing quite that public or visible at the moment (:-|) The bugs and suggestions is usually the best place for these things. We keep an eye on that and comment on progress / reproduction. http://developer.mbed.org/forum/bugs-suggestions/

posted by Sam Grove 20 Oct 2014