10 years, 4 months ago.

Pin out picture need to be updated


Pin out picture is incorrect @ A4 and A5 as I2C1 (Arduino Header) but not working please refer to https://mbed.org/users/kayekss/notebook/shields-kl25z/

Actually, A4 and A5 (PTC2, PTC1) can be used as I2C function in datasheet but I do not know why cannot use?


Question relating to:

The FRDM-KL25Z is an ultra-low-cost development platform for Kinetis L Series KL1x (KL14/15) and KL2x (KL24/25) MCUs built on ARM® Cortex™-M0+ processor. Features include easy access to MCU I/O, battery-ready, …

Pin A5 is normally a 32KHx clock for the LPWU on the KL25, you can disable this and use the I2C by removing R24 from the freedom board

posted by Jim Carver 06 Aug 2014

As alternative I believe powering via the KL25 USB port instead of SDA USB port should also work. So you need to change power then everytime after programming, so in general removing that resistor is preferable, but it is an alternative option.

posted by Erik - 06 Aug 2014

Thank Jim and Erik, I'll try tonight.

posted by Aung KL 07 Aug 2014

1 Answer

10 years, 4 months ago.

As Jim mentioned - A5 has a 32kHz RTC signal routed to it. Also - The pinout diagram has been updated for a while. Can you refer to this new picture? https://mbed.org/platforms/KL25Z/

Yes, that picture, it should mention about 32kHz RTC signal routes to A5 instead of I2C SCL function so that it'll save time for a newbie like me.

Thank anyway

posted by Aung KL 07 Aug 2014