10 years, 7 months ago.

Change log / Release history for online compiler?


One of my pull requests was recently merged into the workspace tools folder on the mbed github. How often is the online compiler rebuilt/updated to match what is on github? (in other words, how long should I expect to wait to be able to see my change implemented?) Is there a change log or revision history somewhere for the online compiler?

Thanks! Chris

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1 Answer

10 years, 7 months ago.

If your pull request was accepted it should be available in mbed-src shortly after. It'll be weeks to a month before available in the mbed.bld (object release).


Sorry for opening this up again, but I didn't read the answer close enough. The change I made was for the online compiler, and it was pulled but then reverted with a comment that it would be added in the next release of the online compiler itself. Is the online compiler updated at the same time that the mbed object release is updated?

posted by Christopher Chen 06 Aug 2014

Guess I didn't read your question close enough :) Do you have a link to the pull request or can tell me your github name? It may be best to ask this question on the pull request.

posted by Sam Grove 06 Aug 2014

I'm 23chrischen on github, here is the request: https://github.com/mbedmicro/mbed/pull/419

posted by Christopher Chen 08 Aug 2014

Thanks - Yep, I'd ask a question on that revert commit and maybe open an issue on github that it needs to be changed.

posted by Sam Grove 08 Aug 2014