10 years, 8 months ago.

Nucleo F401RE SWD ERROR problem


I ordered "NUCLEO-F401RE" for embedded development. But, it's not working properly. When i connect this board to computer, the computer recognize USB drive named as NUCLEO. For development, I need to copy compiled binary file to this USB drive. But, there are no extra capacity and available capacity is 20kB. I can not copy any file to here.

And I found the fail file in the USB drive. When I open the file, I found "SWD ERROR"

I installed driver properly and also I updated the ST-LINK firmware.

Please check the problem and let me know how to fix it. I am looking forward your response.


I didn't solve this problem even I upgraded recent firware v2.j23. I have another board F411. this board is working properly. I think this board have defect.

I sent the mail about this problem to ST Micro. But, they didn't answer anything. I am very disappointed about that. I think I have to discard this board. Oh my money T.T

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What is your computer PC or MAC ? Os version ? Did you try to reboot it ?


posted by bco stm 07 Jul 2014

My computer is PC and used Win7 64bit. And I tried to another computer. But same problem occurred.

posted by Seungchan Lee 07 Jul 2014

did you try to erase everything on the nucleo disk? next time you plug it it should restore itself

posted by Maxime TEISSIER 07 Jul 2014

Look at the specification STM32F103TSB there is just a 20-KB SRAM, I understand more than the RAM memory on the controller "On-board ST-LINK/V2.1", you can not pour firmware by "Mass storage (USB Disk drive) for drag'n'drop programming"

Посмотрите на спецификацию STM32F103ЦБ там как раз 20-КБ SRAM, Как я понял, больше чем ОЗУ память на контролере "On-board ST-LINK/V2.1", вы не сможете залить прошивку методом "Mass storage (USB Disk drive) for drag'n'drop programming"

posted by Sergey Kordubin 10 Jul 2014

6 Answers

10 years, 6 months ago.

I have 2 nucleo302R8 boards, one of which has the upgraded firmware (https://mbed.org/teams/st/wiki/ST-Link-Driver) and another which does not.

On the board where I had upgraded the firmware, I too am receiving an error file reading "SWD Error" (SWD is similar to JTAG in that it allows for debugging the µC software while it is executing). However, on the board which does not have the upgraded firmware I have no issues in loading and executing my compiled binaries.

Further, I made the firmware upgrade on a machine running windows 8.1; however, when I tried to upgrade the firmware from a machine running OSX 10.9 I received a warning about the contents of the x64 executable being corrupt. Since the firmware update (https://mbed.org/teams/ST/wiki/Nucleo-Firmware) includes changes to the SWD I am inclined to believe that one of the firmware changes made has interfered with the ability to use the board with the mbed compiler. I have not yet confirmed this to be the case.

10 years, 8 months ago.

I experiencing same problem with power failure on the board.

Look at the specification STM32F103TSB there is just a 20-KB SRAM, I understand more than the RAM memory on the controller "On-board ST-LINK/V2.1", you can not pour firmware by "Mass storage (USB Disk drive) for drag'n'drop programming"

Посмотрите на спецификацию STM32F103ЦБ там как раз 20-КБ SRAM, Как я понял, больше чем ОЗУ память на контролере "On-board ST-LINK/V2.1", вы не сможете залить прошивку методом "Mass storage (USB Disk drive) for drag'n'drop programming"

posted by Sergey Kordubin 10 Jul 2014
10 years, 8 months ago.

I think it would be worthwhile to refer to the Datasheet for the micro controller STlink, perhaps the point is h the flash perceives only 20Kb? And receiving binary code it already it sews in STM32F4? I am also a newbie and I think that it is worth flash large files via some other method. Russian Hi =)

Look at the specification STM32F103TSB there is just a 20-KB SRAM, I understand more than the RAM memory on the controller "On-board ST-LINK/V2.1", you can not pour firmware by "Mass storage (USB Disk drive) for drag'n'drop programming"

Посмотрите на спецификацию STM32F103ЦБ там как раз 20-КБ SRAM, Как я понял, больше чем ОЗУ память на контролере "On-board ST-LINK/V2.1", вы не сможете залить прошивку методом "Mass storage (USB Disk drive) for drag'n'drop programming"

posted by Sergey Kordubin 10 Jul 2014
9 years, 7 months ago.

I have encountered the same issue. In order to solve this, I have disconnected all external sensors from the board, and plug it again to PC.

9 years, 7 months ago.

I think this is if you assign one of the SWD pins as GPIO or sometihng else. I posted on the F411RE requesting that the SWD pins are labeled on the pinouts and a note be added to describe it but nothing has been done.

Solution is to load say blinky using the .bin file method from the online compiler, and change your code to not use the SWD pins.

If I understand correctly anyway

Reassigning the SWD pins and pulling them high or low externally could disable the flash/programming functionality. The pins PA_13 and PA_14 should probably be left alone.. You can recover by disconnecting them from any external connections and resetting the board. In some hard cases you may have to disconnect them and also temporarily place a jumper between the Boot0 pin and the 3V3 pin next to it. Then apply a reset and retry to program the nucleo. Remove the jumper when ready.

Should the mbed drag and drop still fail with the boot0 jumper placed, you might try the (free) STlink utility and perform a full erase. Then remove the jumper and try again.

posted by Wim Huiskamp 21 Aug 2015
10 years, 8 months ago.

I have the same problem. My computer is Windows Vista Bussiness 32bit. I tried with led blink example but It cannot be copied in NUCLEO disk. I used the last driver and firmware (V2.J22.M5).

I found that people that have similar problem in uVision Downgrade to firmware (V2.J20.M4); but I can't fin d that file to try it out. Any suggestion would be useful.

i have the same problem for myNucleo F401RE. Have you found the solution?

posted by fitria suryatini 28 Aug 2014