10 years, 6 months ago.

Change canbus CANMessage format?

I want to use an extetended id mode in the can, how can I chenge it?

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1 Answer

10 years, 6 months ago.

Hi Andrea,

This capability is there, but perhaps not so obvious in how it is documented. I'm sure you looked at the CANMessage API and saw the "CANFormat _format=CANStandard". So, if not specified, it will always choose the 11-bit identifier format. The challenge with the APIs is to find out what the other possibilities are.


Suggestion to mbed team - improve the docs to make it easier to find this"

I know from experience that CANExtended can be used there, to select the 29-bit identifier. But as I try to find that documentation (other than in my own code), I cannot easily do so. Only by a long search did I arrive at the source code for CAN.h. The answer was not there, but by following the include file to can_api.h I found - nothing, but another include to can_helper.h. In can_helper.h, you can find this:

enum CANFormat {
    CANStandard = 0,
    CANExtended = 1,
    CANAny = 2
typedef enum CANFormat CANFormat;

enum CANType {
    CANData   = 0,
    CANRemote = 1
typedef enum CANType CANType;

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