10 years, 8 months ago.

BLE DeviceName 0x2A00

How to write (initialize) it ? I would like to access it. With a smart phone I can write it. It is under 0x1800 Generic Access Service.

Question relating to:

Bluetooth Low Energy (a.k.a Bluetooth LE, BTLE, Bluetooth Smart)

We will get back to you on this shortly.

posted by Rohit Grover 03 Jul 2014

1 Answer

10 years, 8 months ago.

You can edit the constant CFG_GAP_LOCAL_NAME in projectconfig.h under the nRF51822 folder to change the DEVICE_NAME characteristic.

Accepted Answer

For some reason limits length to 8 characters, but I can write more with Android application (BLE Device Monitor).

posted by Mika Karaila 03 Jul 2014

Hello there, I am new to MBED and I would like to expose the DEVICE_NAME as a writable characteristic , which I am guessing needs to be in the gap object , but I have no idea how to achieve this. Thanks in advance!

posted by Paolo Di Prodi 20 Feb 2016